How To Make Spray Paint Dry Faster? Here’s What To Do

  • By: Artistic Bees
  • Time to read: 6 min.
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If you are done spray painting your house, chances are you are getting impatient already because you want it to dry fast. If you are wondering how to make spray paint dry faster, you have come to the right place! Today I’ll show you the tips and tricks I know to reduce drying time. Let’s find out!

You can use many things, like a ventilator, primer, or light coating, to make your spray paint dry faster. You need to know about the weather in your area too. Also, the material you’re working on matters. It reduces the drying time a great deal.

But don’t go away just yet. I will go into detail about some of these drying processes. Also, you need to know more about some of these materials and other factors. So, let’s jump right in!

Ways To Make Your Spray Paint Dry Faster

Before I indulge you in the techniques of spray paint drying, here’s something you should know. There are mainly four stages of drying.

  • Touch dry: It won’t stick to the touch but if you apply some pressure then the paint might come off.
  • Hard dry: The layer of paint is hard and won’t come off easily. But the damage can still be done if not careful.
  • Complete dry: The paint was on for 24 hours and the object was ready for use.

Now, the juicy part. Get ready to learn some quick and easy techniques to dry your objects fast. Here we go!

Get A Quick Drying Spray Paint

Well isn’t that easy? Just go to a nearby paint store and grab yourself a quick-drying spray paint. They contain quick-drying elements like acrylic and oil mixtures, which help you shave off 1 or 2 hours of drying time.

Don’t just buy a normal can and start spraying. Quality matters. If you want the best, you have to spend some cash. The good ones cost around 10 to 16 dollars. It’s not much if you understand the bigger picture.

Apply Lighter Layers

This one might not be the quickest, but it is effective. Painting is all about patience, right? So, if you want a quicker dry time and even coating, then do this. Take your spray can and coat the object thoroughly. Keep your wrist steady. Move your hand gently over the object to give it a nice even coat.

Don’t hover over a single place for too long. Remember that you are giving a light layer. Wait for a few minutes or hours (depends on the material). Then do the same thing for the second, third layer, and so on. Do this, and the drying time for your object will shorten by a few hours.

Maintain Proper Ventilation

Humidity is a big hurdle for painting. Humid air has no free air pockets. As a result, it takes longer to dry. So, I recommend you paint when it is less humid.

Activate your air cooler to suck out all the vapor occupying the air pockets. Make sure to use it at a higher temperature. A heater can also do it more efficiently. If it’s an object, paint outside. If it’s in the interior of your house, then keep your windows open. So, maintain proper ventilation and your paint will dry in no time!

Fans And Hair Dryer As A Substitute

Don’t have an air cooler or heater lying around? Don’t worry! Turn on one or two fans. Maintain a steady speed and keep it oscillating. Your paints will dry quicker.

A hairdryer is also good, especially for smaller objects. Turn on your hairdryer and crank it down to the lowest heat level. Fly it over the object covered in paint. Keep a few inches from the hairdryer and the object.

Don’t keep it in the same place for too long. It might crackle and bubble up the paint. Use it evenly and gently. See? You already have something in your house that you can use for quick drying.

Use Furniture Polish

Wax-based furniture polish is a great accessory to dry your paint fast! It acts as a sealant for your object that is spray painted. Apply a light coat of furniture polish on your chair (as an example). Coat it all over the object while maintaining a little distance.

Some material takes two or three coats to dry properly. Wait for 5 to 10 minutes before applying another coat. Remove any excess polish with a soft rag. Don’t put too much pressure.

Pat the object lightly with your pinky finger to check for dryness. When it is hard to touch, your chair is ready! Also, remember to apply thin layers for a quicker dry.

Coat It With Primer

Adding many thin layers of paint can be tiring, right? Primer to the rescue! It is a pre-coat or undercoat of paint that greatly reduces the number of layers you have to apply. This, in turn, makes your object dry faster.

A good primer can cut 2-5 layers of extra paint. You’ll save paint and your hands won’t tire. It’s too good of a deal. So, apply a nice coat of primer before spray painting!

One Object At A Time

This is a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many people forget about this rule of thumb. Make sure you finish spray painting the first object before moving on to the next.

That way, you will have no downtime at work. You have to be patient when taking on multiple projects. So, stay calm, work smart, and manage your time efficiently.

Factors That Affect Your Drying Time

You’ve already learned a variety of techniques for speeding up the drying time of your paint. But sometimes that is not enough. There are factors outside of these that affect your overall drying time. You should have some knowledge about them, so buckle up!

The temperature greatly affects your dry time. In the winter season, the air remains very dry, which is good for drying your paint. But some paints lose their quality and become too thick (oil paints). The gentle color and the even coating get disrupted.

Hence, most people paint in summer. The air is hot and this warmth cures the paint at an ideal heat ratio. This helps the paint from the damp, dark, effects of winter. But be careful that the weather isn’t too hot.

If it’s way too hot, the paint may start bubbling, preventing strong penetration and coating bond, and ruining your whole house. So, check the weather in your area. Keep a schedule of your summer and winter seasons and paint accordingly.

Aside from the temperature, the type of paint matters too. Some paints inherently dry faster than others. Acrylic paints are one of them and there are even faster versions out there.

Oil paints are slow to dry. They can be a huge pain. But mixing some drying mediums like lead, cobalt or turpentine will greatly reduce its drying time. So you see, it is not always the spray can or the temperature. Sometimes, it’s just the paint that is slow.

Another reason besides temperature and type of paint would be the thickness of the layer. This is an obvious one, but I just want to remind you how important it is. The average dry time is 24 hours.

So, even if you put just a single layer, it doesn’t matter. If it’s too thick, your object might take more than 24 hours to dry. So, always, always, always apply multiple thin coats of paint for an even and quick dry.


In short, ensure proper ventilation, apply thin coats, and paint during summer. Primers are also great for reducing time and layers. Be mindful of the other factors besides the techniques I have mentioned, like the temperature, type of paint, and layer thickness. Hopefully, you’ve figured out how to make spray paint dry faster.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start spray painting! If you have read it till the end, I greatly thank you for your patience. Stay safe and I’ll see you on our next topic.